CÁDIZ -- One of the loveliest cities in Spain, and not one that is overcrowded with visitors, is the capital of the province of the same name. A new app is available as a 'tour guide' that will show you places off the usual routes. Called Geoexperiencias, it is based on the GPS system and you get the information as you are living them, right on the street. Available for Android as well IOS, it is aimed at local inhabitants as well as to tourists. Created as a joint project by Seis6 and Isoluciona, with the cooperation of Natures and Enreda, as well as the availability of vast photographic data from Diario de Cádiz, it was co-financed by an EU social fund for young developers, Intercooperación Empresarial en la Economía Social. For the moment, it is available only in Spanish, but translations into other languages, including English, are in process.
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