Spain's obesity index above European average, below UK and Ireland
SPAIN -- According to a report on research in the US, on BBC News Online by Health Editor Michelle Roberts, following a Mediterranean diet might be a recipe for a long life because it appears to keep people genetically younger. Several years ago, this diet was preponderant in Spain and, of course, other Mediterranean countries, including Southern France, Italy to a certain extent and in Greece. Since then the intrusion of fast food, mainly in the shape of US franchises (McDonalds, Burger King, etc. etc.) has caused an alarming increase in obesity in this country. The latest reliable figures (May 2014) show that over 24% of the population is considered obese, or just under the indicators, that is, well above the average levels for Western Europe (18.5%), or with France (15.6%), Italy (17.2%), Greece (17.5%), Germany (21.3%) or Portugal (21,6%). However, both the UK and Ireland, are above the European average at 24.9 and 24.5% respectively.